Madrid turned into a sea of red on Monday 12 July 2010 , as a lot of Spanish gathering together at the center if the city to welcome home their World Cup football champions. The plane which brought the team to Barajas Airport arrived at about 3pm and revea;ed Captain , Iker Casllas , holding the Champion Cup high followed by the rest of the team.
The team went to the Zarzuela Palace to see the King and the Queen , then went to see the Prime Minister , after that took the very slow-moving bus through the Gran via , the center of Madrid to reach the stage which had been set up for the celebration on the banks of the Manzanares river.
The King thanked the team for ‘making our dreams come true’, bringing the Spaniards together, and being an example of ‘sportsmanship, nobility, good play and teamwork’. The crowd were singing ‘Campeones’ and ‘Si Si, la Copa ya está aquí’.